Daintree Purchase & Protect eCard

$10.00 $1,000.00

Rainforest Rescue’s ‘Protect a Rainforest’ project focuses on purchasing rainforest blocks for conservation and protecting them forever, increasing connectivity and protecting biodiversity.

This eCard features a beautiful photo of a White-lipped tree frog (Litoria infrafrenata) taken by David White (Solar Whisper).

Every $10 can help to purchase & protect two square meters of Daintree lowland rainforest.

Your LivingGift eCard will be sent via email straight to your recipient with your personalised message.

Thank you, you are going to help purchase and protect for every $10.00 - 2 square meters of rainforest.


Rainforest Rescue’s ‘Protect a Rainforest’ project focuses on purchasing rainforest blocks for conservation and protecting them forever, increasing connectivity and protecting biodiversity.

This eCard features a beautiful photo of a White-lipped tree frog (Litoria infrafrenata) taken by David White (Solar Whisper).

Every $10 can help to purchase & protect two square meters of Daintree lowland rainforest.

Your LivingGift eCard will be sent via email straight to your recipient with your personalised message.