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Philanthropic Foundations Stepping Up for the Daintree

 In Business Partners, Conservation, News, Partnerships, Restoration

Introducing our most recent and largest Foundation partner, The Ian Potter Foundation.

When Rainforest Rescue revamped our Foundations & Trusts Program not even a year ago, we were thrilled to be re-engaging with this philanthropic engine. It had been several years since we’d focused on foundation engagement, but we were keen to see if we could create new partnerships to support our mission to protect rainforests forever.

We know our work is earth-altering, as do many of you – our wonderful supporters reading this – but we questioned – do we have programs that will speak to the funding criteria of the bulk of philanthropic trusts and foundations in Australia? We had heard lots about environmental funding being reduced, so, when we jumped back into this space, we did so with all our toes and fingers crossed. We had to be brave.

We applied throughout the year furiously for applications where they came up. Staff and crew explored in depth what was needed to ensure the protection and regeneration efforts were operating at the highest capacity possible. We thought big – really BIG – and worked with many existing, new conservation and indigenous partners to apply for projects that could make the biggest impact yet.

Well, as the saying goes – ‘Fortune favours the brave’ and, in this case, it rang true and loud – as not yet twelve months on, we are humbled and honoured to be Partners with NINE amazing Foundations & Trusts across Australia!

Many partners have come on board to help us protect and regenerate more and more rainforest, at some of our highest rates ever.

Our most recent and largest Foundation partner, The Ian Potter Foundation, has joined the Rainforest Rescue family in the last few weeks with strong support towards nursery staff resources that are key to the success of our New Nursery – one of the most exciting restoration investments the Wet Tropics will see – aiming to, in 10 years, grow 1,000,000 trees.

We had been wanting to apply to this amazing philanthropic Foundation for many years and when the New Nursery opportunity came to the fore, we felt compelled to reach out. We knew we had about a 10% chance of being awarded a grant.

And then, when we got the call that it was successful – we cried! (Well, I did.) This was a major win – for the success of this Nursery which the region desperately needs to meet, in time, the increased regeneration demands that have to be addressed to make great repair in the Daintree lowlands.

Our CEO Branden Barber says this particular Funding success is;

‘’… indicative that we’re on the right path. The support for Rainforest Rescue’s programs and efforts to protect and restore the Daintree is validating – and encouraging. The growth we’ve seen over the last few years shows us that far from being under-supported, concern for the environment and care for our rainforests is strong. We are all very grateful for these partnerships in conservation.”

It is with so much gratitude that we thank all of our incredible Trusts, Foundations, Business Supporters, Conservation Supporters and individual supporters – YOU ALL – who let us think big to make an even bigger change, for Nature.

Kristin Canning


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