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Klorane and the Klorane Botanical Foundation’s Investment For The Future

 In Business Partners, Conservation, Flora, News, Nursery, Partnerships, propagation, Rescue, Restoration, Tree Planting

Rainforest Rescue has kicked off this year with exciting news; The significant rescue of Licuala Rainforest Refuge (Lot 41), a richly biodiverse 18 Ha property located within the Cape Kimberley wildlife corridor. This could not have been achieved without the help of renewed support from our proud Platinum Partner Klorane and the Klorane Botanical Foundation.

Klorane, together with the Klorane Botanical Foundation, believe in the power of plants to heal and relieve us, as well as purify and repair our planet. As such, they are committed to the preservation of Nature’s resources, and support projects all over the world that are reintroducing endangered plant species.

We are so pleased to continue our partnership with Rainforest Rescue in 2023 and support the amazing work they undertake to restore the Daintree Rainforest. Around the world, the Klorane brand joins forces with the Klorane Botanical Foundation to protect endangered plant species and preserve natural ecosystems. We are delighted to bring these conservation efforts to Australia to help protect the unique biodiversity of this land.
— Laurent Saffre, CEO Klorane Australia

Klorane and Klorane Botanical Foundation’s combined investment of $50,000 towards the protection of Lot 41 represents 10% of the 180,000 square metre property. Lot 41 is a stunning example of intact Daintree rainforest and has been, to date, our most significant rescue yet. Its purchase has now doubled the size of the Cape Kimberley Wildlife corridor!


Strangler Fig and Fan Palms at Lot 41 (Photo: John Benfer)


We have wanted to expand our conservation efforts into Australia for a long time. Currently the Klorane Botanical Foundation has initiatives in over 25 countries and we have spent the last 29 years planting the seeds of botanical passion around the world. With this partnership we hope to preserve the natural environment of the Daintree and continue to educate the next generation on caring for the planet.
— Stephanie Lambey, Director of the Klorane Botanical Foundation

Klorane’s and Klorane Botanical Foundation’s valued support has been carried on from Klorane’s investment last year, when they contributed funding towards the growing of 50,000 rainforest seedlings in our new native nursery. To cement this new and exciting partnership, Klorane paid a visit to the Far North in October 2022 to plant some trees at the site of our new nursery and meet some of our team ‘On The Land’.


Klorane and guests meet some of the RR team at the site of the new native nursery


Partnerships extend our reach and our capacity to protect and restore rainforests. When you find value alignment in a partner that brings financial energy to get the job done, that’s a rare and wonderful bird. We are grateful that Klorane and the Klorane Botanical Foundation find inspiring value in what Rainforest Rescue does. This partnership protects precious and ancient rainforest habitat, and supports the propagation of diverse Daintree seedlings. This partnership, as an example, gives me hope for the future. In practice, it’s powerful. Trees are being produced, habitat is being protected.
— Branden Barber, CEO Rainforest Rescue


Thriving trees planted by the Klorane team in October 2022 (Photo: Nicolas Walker)


This is not the only exciting news for Rainforest Rescue and Klorane. A collaboration with James Cook University’s Dr. Alexander Cheesman is promising a whole lot more. Based on past research and his involvement with carbon assessment company ArborMeta, Dr. Cheesman is helping to devise tools to quantify the amount of carbon sequestered by trees grown and protected by Klorane and the Klorane Botanical Foundation. Says Dr. Cheesman “The application of modern technology to one of the world’s oldest rainforests, offers exciting new opportunities to accurately monitor how carbon is sequestered into restored forests

This collaboration represents the power of partnerships like Klorane and Klorane Botanical Foundation, Rainforest Rescue and JCU – When organisations with a shared vision put their hearts and minds together, the sky is the limit in what can be achieved! 

Our warmest gratitude goes to Klorane and the Klorane Botanical Foundation for their continued support to make significant rescues like Lot 41 possible. You are helping to preserve the biodiversity of this World Heritage rainforest for generations to come, and secure habitat and a food source for many special, rare and endemic residents of the Daintree.





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