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TTNQ Campaigns for Regenerative Tourism

 In Business Partners, Conservation, Flora, News, Partnerships, Restoration, Supporters, Tree Planting

Rainforest Rescue’s Bronze Tiered Partner, Tourism Tropical North Queensland and Qantas Holidays have launched a competition to amplify Qantas’ new Green Tier program rewarding members for making sustainable choices.

In turning Australia’s online editorial platform Concrete Playground ‘Green’, this competition gave a lucky Qantas frequent flyer member the chance to win the ultimate regenerative tourism getaway, which included a visit to one of the restoration properties, NightWings, located on Eastern Kuku Yalanji country. 

The lucky prize winners, Heather and Mitch, were picked up by Rainforest Rescue Assistant Land Manager, Sigrid, last weekend and taken to Nightwings for a tour of the restored property. They learned about the history of the former sugar cane farm, purchased by passionate environmentalist and bat rescuer, Annie Schönberger, who now works with us to restore it back to precious World Heritage Daintree Rainforest habitat.

Prizewinners Heather and Mitch at NightWings rainforest centre

Some favourite stops on the tour included the green ant nests, and the fruit of the Morinda citrifolia, which when ripe gives off a strong odour much like a stinky blue cheese. Green ants are traditionally a bush food used by the Eastern Kuku Yalanji and many other indigenous groups, and after sampling, Mitch happily reported the flavour as “Tangy!”

Green ants nest and the fruit of Morinda citrifolia (Photos: Heather and Mitch)

Heather and Mitch then donned gloves, took up their trowels and got to work planting a special patch of rainforest seedlings. In time, these seedlings will grow tall and strong to provide shelter and food for a number of unique Daintree species. Some of these animals, such as the Southern Cassowary, are already playing their role as seed dispersers by bringing in seeds from other areas, further increasing biodiversity and resilience of the forest.

Happy planters at NightWings

Says Lani Strathearn, TTNQ’s General Manager of Marketing:

The alignment with Concrete Playground, Qantas Holidays and Rainforest Rescue made perfect sense when planning this campaign. Tropical North Queensland is brimming with eco-certified and First Nations tours and accommodation, and we’re continually evolving in the sustainability space. There couldn’t have been a more important time to launch a campaign about regenerative tourism as our world shifts its focus towards making more sustainable choices. Highlighting the fantastic work Rainforest Rescue continues to do in Tropical North Queensland was a perfect way to demonstrate and share this opportunity with the domestic market.”

To continue the restoration of the beautiful NightWings, Tourism Tropical North Queensland included in their regenerative tourism prize package $5000 donated to Rainforest Rescue on behalf of the winners. This will be contributing towards our work in creating a forever protected wildlife corridor from the tops of the mountain range behind, right through to the Great Barrier Reef. Thank you so much for your support in protecting the precious and unique Daintree Rainforest!


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