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Please Welcome Sigrid Wilkens

 In News, Partnerships, Staff, Tree Planting, Volunteers

Please welcome Sigrid Wilkens to the Rainforest Rescue team. As Rainforest Rescue’s Land Labourer & Partnerships Support Officer, Sigrid works alongside Justin McMahon on the land as well as supporting Kristin Canning with Partnerships.

Sigrid Wilkens

What brought you to Rainforest Rescue and how do you feel about the organisation?

I found out about Rainforest Rescue through an article in a monthly newsletter in my job as a consultant. As soon as I saw it, I had to click on it and read it all. From this, I knew it was exactly the sort of place I wanted to work, so I sent an email enquiring about an internship. I was also at a point in my life where I needed a change so I ended up quitting my job and volunteering remotely for RR for a few months for their ‘Voices For The Rainforest’ campaign while I began an apprenticeship in tessellated tiling. I loved the work I was doing for RR because I got to engage with a lot of inspiring and creative people, and work towards a common goal of raising money for a cause that was meaningful to me.

What is your favourite aspect of working here as our Land Labourer & Partnerships Support Officer?

My favourite part of both roles is the variety. As a land labourer I could be getting muddy head to toe while planting little rainforest seedlings into the ground, or helping to organise RR events like community tree plant days. Working in Partnerships, I get to meet all kinds of like-minded people and talk about new and exciting ways to help grow our organisation! And of course, knowing that the work we do is helping to protect this little corner of the world which is home to so many unique and beautiful creatures.

What are the greatest challenges you will face in your job?

The greatest challenge is yet to come – Working physically in the Daintree summer, which is something I have never experienced before. But looking forward to the challenge! That, and learning to identify well over 100 different native species of trees we use for regeneration.

What drew you to the Far North and the Daintree?

I’ve grown up in Victoria my whole life and have always been drawn to the mysterious Far North. The first time I was up here for the 2021 Tree Planting Day I felt like I was in another world, and I knew I had to come back one day.

I love the Daintree because being in it is like travelling back in time. There are plants and animals that have been around and remained largely unchanged for millions of years. ‘Living Fossils’ like this are an important link in the evolution of life, and by studying their traits and behaviour we can learn so much about the past, present and future of life on this planet.

What is your passion?

I feel passionate about having a connection with the natural world and allowing nature to be a part of life every day. I feel as though a connection with nature helps us understand the need to live in balance with our environment rather than exploiting and taking everything we can from a natural resource.


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