Rainforest Rescue Wins Thorsborne Award
Chair of Rainforest Rescue Madeleine Faught with research assistant Melissa Bautista celebrating their cassowary award. Photo Aslan Shand. Courtesy Echo Net Daily
At the Wet Tropics Management Authority Awards event earlier this year, Rainforest Rescue received the prestigious Thorsborne Award which recognises an outstanding commitment to the improvement of the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area environment, including the protection and rehabilitation of its flora and fauna.
This recognition relates to the work we’ve achieved over the past fifteen years of rescuing rainforest properties in the Daintree Lowland area. With our supporters help, we’ve been able, to date, to save 30 properties that had been on the real estate market and were vulnerable to development and threatened with the clearing of the rainforest. Rainforest Rescue has focused on securing properties that create habitat and movement connectivity for the Cassowary. Our determination is on maintaining the integrity of the rainforest, and on limiting any fragmentation of forest areas that would increase the Cassowary’s vulnerability in terms of contact with feral animals and crossing roads.
The greater the areas of high-quality rainforest we are able to protect, the greater the capacity for the Cassowary, and its youngsters, to thrive, and survive!
Rainforest Rescue is extremely honoured to be the recipient of the Thorsborne Award. This is our shared achievement because, without you, we would not be able to accomplish what we do to make this critically important conservation work a success.
The generosity of supporters not only helps to create and restore vital connectivity corridors for species like the Southern Cassowary but also helps to protect this very special, vulnerable area of tropical rainforest forever.
We held our annual Community Tree Planting Day this past May at Nightwings Rainforest Reserve which backs onto the Dagmar Range of the Daintree National Park. Seventy dedicated volunteers teamed up with Rainforest Rescue staff to plant 2000 trees in just over an hour! …..
Following the tree planting, Dr Robert Kooyman led the RR team on a monitoring expedition of Lot 46. Back in 2015, research plots were established on Lot 46 to measure key indicators of change, including canopy closure, leaf litter, tree height, and occurrence of “wild” seedlings.
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