Ancient Rainforests in a Modern World

Dr. Robert Kooyman & Madeleine Faught
‘Ancient Rainforests in a Modern World’ is a presentation by Dr. Robert Kooyman—Scientific Advisor to Rainforest Rescue
Rainforest Rescue’s Scientific Advisor and noted international rainforest ecologist, Dr. Robert Kooyman, has been a valued member of our team for many years. With over 40 years of involvement in protected area and conservation management, Robert offers a wealth of critically important information and more to RR. His current research focus involves the evolutionary ecology, botany, and paleo-botany of the Gondwanan, Australian, and Southeast Asian rainforests. He is well known for his passion for all things rainforest oriented, and his enthusiasm in sharing this.
Back in 2019 Dr. Kooyman offered to provide a presentation in conjunction with one of our Daintree community tree planting events. This dynamic and inspiring talk kept the entire audience fully engaged…even those who felt that ‘science’ might elude them discovered that Robert’s delivery of information was both stimulating and easily accessible. The rapt faces, along with the thunderous applause at the end of the talk, speaks for itself. An insight to the history of our ancient rainforests that is both fascinating and breathtaking!
Filmed by Martin Stringer, “Ancient Rainforests in a Modern World” takes us on a large journey through deep time up to the present … “It’s a thrilling ride, it’s an evolutionary ecology story, it’s a biological survival story that’s almost unsurpassed on the planet!”.
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